Get the power of project management right inside your document management system.
Whether you are using FileSite or DeskSite you can have the power of project management, the event calendar, and project reports from right inside your document management system.
DocMinder®Embedded gives users and managers simple and transparent project management solution within the iManage tools they already use and are comfortable with.
Create DocMinder®Tasks in iManage
Create New Tasks
Inside of an iManage folder you can select documents to create a new DocMinder®assignment related to those documents.
Task Web Forms
By filling in a web form with details about the task, you can define who needs to be notified, provide notes about the task and set a due date for the work associated with the selected documents.
Email Notifications
Once this task is saved, DocMinder®sends an email notification to the assigned recipient(s).
The frequency and format of the notification emails can be defined by you or your organization, to meet your specific business requirements.
Progress Page
Each notification email contains a link to the progress page for the specific task.
From the progress page, your team can easily update the status of their task, add comments to share critical information and complete their work defined by the task.
Over time you can create templates to simplify scheduling tasks.
Templates can include anything from small details about common processes, to utilizing full features such as checklists, which can be set up as a template and kicked off by anyone with permission to DocMinder®Embedded.
Create Multiple Tasks
If you have a contract with several obligations, each obligation can be tracked as a different task.
DocMinder®will keep track of all of the obligations for the contract and display them towards the bottom of the summary page.
DocMinder®Calendar in iManage Workspace
The DocMinder®calendar displays your task assignments by its assigned due date.
Each iManage workspace has an associated event calendar designed to display all DocMinder®tasks created for the documents associated in the workspace.
View Task Assignments
The calendar has several different filters for sorting and viewing your task assignments.
These filters may be limited to a particular workspace; but you can expand the calendar view to include all task assignments in which you are directly involved. You can also view pending or completed task assignments.
Review Task Details
By selecting a task assignment from the calendar you can open the task's Progress Page to review previous progress updates, add new comments, or complete the task.
DocMinder®Reports in iManage Workspace
Each workspace has a report that contains relevant information for all projects created in the workspace.
The report filters have the same functionality as the calendar, but here there are a few additional options.
The DocMinder®ID is a button link that allows users with manager level access, to quickly edit the project's details.
Summary Page
You can click the Review button to see the details of all the related projects on the summary page.
On the review page you can click post progress on any of the previously created assignments to view them individually. Or you can set up a new assignment related to this project.
If you're using DocMinder®Workflow to track workflow processes, then the workflow button will give you a quick way to sort through completed and pending tasks.
By clicking on the post progress link, you can view more details about the each step in the workflow.